animated labels of Manufaktura Piwna – 5D: Decoy and Demonstration
animated labels of Manufaktura Piwna – 5D: Decoy and Demonstration
We created a name, label design and animated video for each beer prepared for Biedronka by Manufaktura Piwna. QR code placed on the bottle enables us to see how the story from the label goes. You can view the animation on your smartpho- ne, like and share it, easily demonstrate interest and satisfaction in social media. Such a virtual packaging decoy goes per- fectly in line with our 5D design method.
In the Kreatura 2017 contest our Animated Labels won the Main Prize in the category video on the internet.
See the explainer and award-winning vi- deos on our DBA website.
See the set of Manufactura Piwna packa- ging of “no limit edition”