Brand Desire: Opening the package

April 26, 2019

Promotional packaging of Luksusowa vodka for the American market. The World of Luksusowa is a world of real men who can make fun of themselves. According to our 5D packaging design me- thod, we have proposed a packaging-chal- lenge: the box should be opened with bare hands. The prize...

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5D implementation – Snacks by Olewnik

April 26, 2019

Concept for a new brand of meat snacks for school children with creative use of la- ser perforation. The perforation line is ar- ranged in the shape of fangs. After ope- ning the package, the graphic character literally opens the mouth. The names of individual flavor variants emphasize the...

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animated labels of Manufaktura Piwna – 5D: Decoy and Demonstration

April 26, 2019

animated labels of Manufaktura Piwna – 5D: Decoy and Demonstration We created a name, label design and animated video for each beer prepared for Biedronka by Manufaktura Piwna. QR code placed on the bottle enables us to see how the story from the label goes. You can view the...